Friday, October 31, 2008

They Know How to Live!

Came across this site - Some great photos and lots of ideas for living on less. Check it out.

Fixing lunch today I got frustrated with the plastic stone ground mustard bottle. (Yeah, the jerk next door is still zooming away so I'm on edge and it's spilling over!) Anyway, after standing the bottle upside down before dispensing the mustard, and then taking the cap off to clean out a bit more, I vowed to make my own mustards next year. Fewer plastic bottles to dispose of and I can clean every last drop of mustard out of the pint jars. So there.

Well, I'm on my way outdoors. Maybe a walk will help. Even the neighbor stopped by - he lives 3/4 mile away - and complained about our maniac neighbor and his lawn maintenance.

Later folks, Treesong

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