Monday, May 17, 2010

That Ugly Jack Pine's Down!

Since moving here and setting up housekeeping I have stared out the window above our computer at a hideous, half dead Jack Pine. Today, Sweetie stood in the loader bucket with an extension ladder and rope while I raised it up nearly as high as it would go. Then I sat there praying he didn't fall while he placed the ladder against the tree and began to climb about 16 feet. Once the rope was tied around the tree I lowered the bucket and stood in the driveway with Dad to watch the rest of the operation. After attaching a chain from the tractor to the rope, he took off through the woods until he was pulling the tree over. What a sight. And being the worry wort that I am, I was relieved that he missed the two red pines and one white pine that I admire so much near the edge of our yard.

I'm having another MS flare up so not doing much other than the drunken sailor walk with Dad and small household chores. The timing couldn't be worse because we have so much to do but it's happened so often lately that I've consented to another series of tests to see how much it's progressing. Frankly, it just frustrates me and I feel myself going into a funk. Sweetie bought me some peanut butter chocolate ice cream to boost my spirits. Helped for awhile but I still want to be outside working.

The couple we bought the motor home from have visited us twice and we've discovered we have a lot in common. It's been nice to have some company and they are looking for land! When I heard that I flippantly said, "We've got three acres across the road for sale." Now, they're looking for financing and we're checking on legally splitting it from the main parcel. After selling us the motor home they bought a 1978 22 foot Shasta trailer. They used to camp down at the end of the private lake here until it was developed into high priced lots. So, they're familiar with the area and even told us of a spring on a road near here where campers get fresh water! Marvelous how things develop sometimes.

Well, I'm exhausted again so it's time to rest. Have a great week everyone, Treesong


Rhonda said...

Treesong.......I am so sorry you are having a bad spell right now. I feel for you. My oldest daughter has md...thats kinda like ms. She too does the drunken sailor walk,when shes having a bad few days. I hope you feel better soon. I would like to thank you for taking the time out of your days to write your blog. You put things out there in a way that I can relate to.You also encourage me to keep on keepn' on.We have only been prepping for about a year now.But we have made great strides, I feel.Mostly in our attitudes. I no longer look at things the same way. Our diets have even changed! I used to go to the salon every other month to get my hair trimmed and twice a month to get my nails done!?!Now I ask myself before every we need this?..or...will this help us when shtf? have started canning and drying veggies. Sorry for going on and on but I truly feel as tho i know you. I have been following your blog for awhile now. I'll go and see u next time you post. Have a great evening.....Rhonda Sue....

treesong said...

Hello Rhonda!

So nice of you to comment. Sometimes I wonder why I bother, other than to help myself sort things out! There was a time when most of us were where you are now. Isn't it wonderful to look at your progress and realize you are accomplishing something for your own well being instead of wasting time and money on things that don't support you one bit?

Congratulations on your efforts.

When I think of the time and money John Q Public spends on keeping up appearances and being a carbon copy of others it sickens me. What good will acrylic nails, makeup, three inch heels and other silliness do when you're hungry, unemployed, homeless and full of regret?

Well, I'll get off my soapbox for now. Have some old deck rails to cut up for firewood. They were not make of treated wood and have begun to rot - one time when the previous owners stupidity benefits us!


HermitJim said...

One good thing about all the fact that you have made some new friends along the3 way, and that they are on the same wave length as your family!

How great is that?

Sorry to hear about the latest flare up...but knowing how strong you are, I have faith you'll come through it OK !

Mayberry said...

Nice to hear y'all found some kindred spirits. Rest up and take care...

Unknown said...

Just wanted to let you know there are other people out here that read your blog. I check it everyday. Thanks for sharing. Susan, from Grand Haven MI

treesong said...

Welcome Susan from Grand Haven, MI! I immediately thought of the pier, the lighthouse and the lovely path along the canal and the musical water fountain when I read your post (if the water foundain is still there and/or I'm not confusing it with someplace else!). Used to drive there often when I lived in Grand Rapids. Have a great day, Treesong

Unknown said...

Fountain is still there. We can hear it from our house on summer nights. I think Grand Haven is wonderful, but I feel like a country girl stuck in the city. I'm about your age and really ready to retire to a wooded plot of land. But for now I must be satisfied with what I have. Susan