Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Today's Musings

First off, Sweetie's heart test showed NO damage so now we're on to testing the arteries and veins. Something is definitely not right with him as he nearly collapsed walking to the test site. Being an independent minded man, he declined the use of the wheelchair offered at patient registration.

Second, I got everything on my list of preps that I mentioned a couple days ago. Had we been in Walmart the day after Christmas I could have got more candles but, oh well. A couple other items occurred to me while we were there but they didn't carry either. This particular Walmart is scheduled to become a Super Walmart sometime in 2009, I believe. In the meantime I'll go without. Besides may as well get used to it now.

Third, my patience was sorely tried today by the Incompetent Revenue Shysters. I owe taxes from 2003 and of course I've had difficulty paying them - more so since not being a "wage earner."

When the government stimulus checks were doled out mine automatically went to the IRS. Fine. I expected that. So a whopping $289 of the bill got paid. It was only today, after 28 minutes on hold and another ONE HOUR and 6 MINUTES on the phone with a particular IRS employee, that I got a little headway.

The Incompetent Internal Shysters had my address wrong; had never sent me any correspondence indicating what my balance was (now $1,128.49) since 2004 and again AFTER the stimulus check was deducted; and never credited me for a payment made about 14 months ago. I had sent that payment via registered mail return receipt requested!

Sweetie's sister told me that if you're low income or no income that there's a form you can complete that suspends interest accumulation on the current amount owed. Yeah right. Why I ever thought the IRS would have some compassion is beyond me.

So, when I inquire about this I get a lecture on the law enacted by congress regarding interest payments on IRS balances.

Of course, being a red head who can't keep her mouth shut for long, I spout off about how congress "throws money around for every crook in the country that my children and grand kids and great grand kids will be taxed to smithereens for!"

I then get lectured on swearing followed by one on how our elected officials represent us so if I don't like it maybe I should vote differently!

The "discussions" between this IRS employee and I were so varied and off topic that I feel I've known her for a long time. Surely, I will never forget her.

I finally said, "Well, if I never pay the bill, then what?"

"You cannot do that," she said.

"Ya wanna bet?" I said.

"Well, we'd take it from your estate," she said.

"I'm gonna make sure I die with only the clothes on my back," I said.

FINALLY, she gave up on the tit for tat and said, "You are funny in a strange sort of way."

I laughed too and said, "Well, thanks for at least correcting my address, telling me what I owe as of today, and enlightening me about the IRS and congress."

So now I'm batting my brains out trying to think of how to pay the jerks.

I think dying NAKED at IRS headquarters would be appropriate.

1 comment:

Mayberry said...

I think everyone at the IRS should be hung for treason..... And I didn't vote for a single one of those bums in office, so there! Sheeple.....