We went from a leaky roof, broken windows, inoperable furnace, spiders, mice, leaky pipes, filthy everything and doors that didn't lock to -
New roof, furnace, windows, insulation, siding, toilets, kitchen sink, stove, dishwasher, light fixtures, carpet for one room, entry and storm door, locks, fence, 24 blue spruce, one pear tree, deck and kitchen re-arranged.
We spent our first night here sleeping on a sagging bed listening to mice. We removed heavy drapes along with the spider webs attached to them. We scrubbed and unpacked and hauled loads of garbage to the landfill.
We met new people, discovered we had great neighbors and I got involved in the library, writing/reading groups, historical society and event committee.
We gradually sold the motor home, boat, tractor and a few things from the pole barn.
We closed on the sale of our UP property in January 2011 and paid off this mortgage in May 2011. We've held our breath a few times for the land contract payment on our Kalkaska property to be deposited.
There would be another trip in January to pick up the last of Sweetie's pole barn stuff and the boat. There has been one visit from three family members in the UP and numerous visits from a friend in Flint who I reconnected with after 10 years.
There are a few last minute things to do before winter really sets in: clear space in barn for car and finish deck railing and ramp.
We still have interior painting and new vinyl flooring to install but otherwise, we're done!!!
If we're fortunate enough to someday afford a place in Florida or rent there six months of the year, we will. If not, a trip each year will have to suffice.
Would we do this again? Absolutely. Would we want to? Not unless it meant going further south!
Has it really been a year already? Wow!
Time really flies...and all that!
The place looks good, though!
Time seems to be supersonic lately. The after photo doesn't do the place justice. Thanks for stopping by.
That dang bridge keeps a lot of Yooper folks from coming south...heeee. Sometimes that is a good thing, yes?
Do you plan to stop and see them while you are up there in January...that is what you meant ..that you were going back up this January? Maybe I read it wrong and it was last January you went? When sweetie had truck trouble?
So very glad you reconnected with the friend...good to have good friends...helps share the load. B.
B. We're not going back in January 2012. I meant that Sweetie made a trip back in Jan. 2011 for the closing & to haul the boat down here - full of yet more of his stuff. Thanks for the heads up on the property.
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