These are pictures of our critters.
I'm not real computer literate so the pictures wound up at the top while I mention them in my blog toward the bottom. Oh well.
From top left to right: Lady, Mita and Cuddles.
Well, I just didn't feel like slaving away at the stove today so the old standby was reincarnated.
Ingredients are as follows:
One quart of frozen left over soup from last week
One Cup of creamed corn from last night's supper
Two cooked & de-boned, de-skinned chicken thighs cut into pieces
Two quarts chicken broth from cooking the chicken thighs
A dash of black pepper
It's bubbling on the woodstove now. I'm thinking maybe I'll add some noodles.
Naw...to much effort and besides, I'm watching my waistline.
The leftover soup's ingredients don't come to mind just now. I see some celery in there (dehydrated last week with the $3 dehydrator I found at a resale shop), some chicken stock, some leftover mashed potatoes, and maybe some meat. I dunno.
So, tonight's soup pot will feed us for about three meals. One portion eaten now, one frozen and one placed in a quart jar in the frig for maybe tomorrow or the next day.
The skin and chicken scraps are fed to our dog. Her name is Lady. She seldom barks, follows her master around like a sick puppy, is playful with the abandoned kitten we've taken in and respectful of my 12-year-old cat, Mita. The kitten was about three months old when she was dropped off next door. Mita is the "orange" cat in the pictures. She's on her third life.
While waiting for the pictures to load I stirred the soup and added some lentils. They cook quickly and seem to go with just about anything.
Tomorrow we do our monthly shopping. Have decided we'll stock up on TP, tin foil,
bleach, washing soda, Borax, Fels Naptha soap bars, and a few other odds and ends. Just have the feeling prices are gonna spike and I don't like hauling in supplies in the winter.
I make our laundry soap, thus the Fels, borax and washing soda.
I've been saving the plastic mesh from bags of onions, oranges and anything else I spot it on. Most of my supply has come from other people as I don't shop that much. The mesh is cut from any other packaging material and sorted into similar sizes. Next, I cut it into strips about 3-5 inches wide and hopefully 12-18 inches long, give or take. The strips are rolled into tubes beginning with the WIDE end. As I make each roll, I tuck one end beneath my marble rolling pin. Helps keep them from unrolling. Next, take a small rubber band and twist it around the end of about three of these rolls. Bring the other ends up to the rubber band and tuck them in.
Wha-la, you have a new pot scrubber. They're cheap and do the job. They don't look like the store bought ones but, oh well. Well, think the soup's ready.
Have a great evening folks, Treesong